How to find Us
MUSTANG VH-BOB is located at
RAAF Williams
Point Cook Base
Melways Key Map Page 12

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- “104” was built by Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation at Fisherman’s Bend in September 1947 and was accepted by the RAAF on November 18, 1947. It regularly flew at RAAF Base, East Sale between 1950 and 1955, amassing 551 hours total flying time. From East Sale it was flown to Tocumwal for storage.
- In 1960 it was sold to a Sydney scrap metal dealer, then it went to Bankstown and Mascot Airport where it sat grounded until April 1964.
- Dr Tony Fisher purchased it and made the aircraft airworthy. Moving it to Jerildere, NSW in 1964, it was infrequently flown over the next few years with RAAF markings and the call-sign “NA-68”.
- In 1970 the Mustang was purchased by its present owner, Bob Eastgate.
- The plane remained at Jerildere and over the next 3 years a crew of engineers worked many weekends to bring the aircraft up to ferry standard.
- On March 10th, 1973 Jack MacDonald successfully flew the Mustang down to Forrester Stephens Hangar at Essendon Airport. There it underwent a major rebuild and overhaul including the installation of a second seat in place of the fuselage fuel tank.
- In 1976 a newly registered A68-104 was now identified as Mustang VH-BOB and it commenced its permanent civilian flying life.
- It was immediately invited by Air Commodore Tony Tonkin, a former RAAF pilot of ‘104’ who was by then The Officer in Command, RAAF Base, Pt Cook, to fly alongside the newly emerging RAAF museum.
- All maintenance work, including engine overhaul, is carried out by a small and dedicated professional group of volunteer engineers at its home base of RAAF Williams, Pt Cook Base.
- As new technical improvements or systems are developed and proved the aircraft is updated to modern standards.
- Since 1994, Mustang VH-BOB has operated under an Air Operators Certificate as this particular model of an Australian built Mustang is a fully certified type aircraft.
- Over past years, hundred of passengers have enjoyed their flight in this exciting aircraft.
- Most Saturdays you can see and hear Mustang VH-BOB operating at Pt Cook.
Mustang VH-BOB's History
A68-104 VH-BOB
- A. Jelliffe Pty. Ltd, furniture manufacturers, was established in 1936 and occupied premises in Mt Alexander Road beside the Essendon Tram Depot
- During World War2 the Company was seconded by the Australian Government to work under the supervision of Victorian Interstate Airways (VIA) producing wooden aircraft components for the war effort
- Mr. Arthur Jelliffe regained control of the Company in 1948 and was then joined by Mr. Robert Henry Eastgate and they recommenced furniture production. Unfortunately Mr. Jelliffe passed away two years later, having contracted Tuberculosis. Mr. Robert Henry Eastgate became sole owner of the Company.
- In 1957 his son, Robert (Bob) Leslie Eastgate undertook a Cabinet Maker's Apprenticeship, Furniture Design Course and joined his father. The Company went on to become a very successful business.
- In 1980 A. Jellliffe Pty. Ltd. divested itself of its furniture business and took up aircraft maintenance in Hangar 211 at RAAF Base, Pt Cook. The intention was to look after Bob's P51D Mustang which had been purchased by him in 1970 and registered as VH BOB.
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